Saturday, March 3, 2012

Homemade Clip It Up

My fabulous hubby helped me make this floor model clip it up.  It is AWESOME.  Now I can see all of my stickers and embellishments.  I watched a ton of videos on YouTube and pictures on blogs before I got an idea of what I wanted to do.    Here is what we came up with.

I found 4 UGLY lamp shades from the thrift store.  I think I paid about $5-$6 for all of them.  I ripped the fabric off and cleaned them up with a little sand paper.  The base is made from a wooden circle and the middle of the tube (threaded rod) was from Home Deport.  We bought the white paint, nuts, washers, and grey PVC pipe from Handyman True-Value Hardware.  

The one thing I would have changed was finding more shades with less angle in the wire from the center point to the ring.  The embellishments tend to hang up a bit on the bottom ring because of that.
Here it is with my stickers, embellishments, and such.  It is exactly what I was looking for.  I have to thank my husband for helping strategize and assemble.  Without him, I would still probably have a pile of supplies.

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