This is a page kit that I got from Out On a Limb. It was suppose to be a 2-page spread, but I just had the one picture. I changed it up a bit and here is the final page.
This next page is from Just Kitting. My fiend Lynn Stuart is the owner. This was a kit we received from a Mickey Crop that I attended. She has some really cute paper piecing kits. Check out her website.
Here is a close up of pluto...isn't he cute!
Here is another from Out On a Limb. This was also supposed to be a 2-page kit, but converted it to a 1-page layout based on my photos.
Merry Grinchmas is from an old Just Kitting kit. LOVE How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It is one of my favorite holiday cartoons. So when I saw this kit, I just HAD to have it.
Last, but not least, another page from Out On a Limb. I pretty much stuck to the original layout, but changed up the number of photos and how they were placed.
Thanks for stopping by and seeing all of my kit goodness. Until next time, happy scrappin'
You have been getting some pages done! Wish I could say the same. Love how you make these kit pages your own!
ReplyDeleteNow with the kiddos back in school I am sure you will start rocking out some pages. Who knows you may be all caught up with your 2013 project life by October :).